Well, it’s been an interesting few weeks, hasn’t it? This will be my first Easter indoors with limited family and friends coming over for dinner. It looks like rain is in the forecast, so it does make it easier to stay inside, and cook up a few recipes that my family will love. This year, I thought I’d split my post into two categories; Brunch Recipes and Dinner Recipes because people might be making both, due to so much time on our hands in the house. My family tends to eat Easter dinner, but I also make a brunch dish or two, so everyone has something to nibble on, while they lounge around and hide eggs and stuff. Think of this holiday as a unique opportunity to bond with your immediate family, and Facetime those that you are deeply missing and haven’t talked to in a while. Making a great meal often helps revive your soul, and will put you in a better frame of mind to celebrate Easter this year.
Brunch Recipes
Caramel-Oatmeal Pecan Coffee Cake – Recipe!
Broccoli Cheese Strata – Recipe!
Bruleed French Toast with Strawberries – Recipe!
Avocado Toasts with Creamy Soft Scrambled Eggs – Recipe!
Mocha Scones with Espresso Glaze – Recipe!
Turkey Sausage Gravy & Egg Biscuit Sandwiches – Recipe!
Italian Shakshuka – Recipe!
Italian Easter Cheese Bread (Crescia al Formaggio) – Recipe!
Tabouli Salad with Parmesan & Pine Nuts – Recipe!
Savory German Pancake – Recipe!
Dinner Recipes
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