Candied Bacon- Recipe! Image 1
Breakfast, Food

Candied Bacon- Recipe!

Bacon has always been a favorite food for most of us and I don’t think its popularity will ever go out of style. Bacon is found in almost everything today including desserts and candy. I love bacon just fried up in a pan, but especially prepared in the oven with something sweet on top.

Candied Bacon gives cured pork a little something special without overpowering its traditional flavors.  Brushing the bacon first with some maple syrup, and then topping it with a bit of brown sugar before placing it in a hot oven, makes the flavors caramelize into a new meaty creation.    

Candied Bacon can be served all by itself as an appetizer, or piled high on your favorite sandwich.  Also, it is nice crumbled over salads and side dishes for an added sweet and savory crunch.


1 pound good quality bacon

1/3 cup organic maple syrup, grade B

1/4 cup light brown sugar


To Prepare:

1.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  On a sheet pan with a wire rack, place the bacon slices.

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2.  Next, brush maple syrup on the top of each piece of bacon.

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3.  Sprinkle each piece with a light coating of brown sugar.

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4.  Crack fresh pepper over the top of the bacon.

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5.  Place the bacon in the oven to bake for 20-25 minutes or until as crispy as you like it.  Be careful not to burn it!

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6. Remove the hot bacon from the oven to rest until cool enough to handle.

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7.  Serve the Candied Bacon as an appetizer, or place it on top of your favorite sandwich.  Candied Bacon can held at room temperature for several hours or stored in the refrigerator for longer, but I bet there won’t be any left. Enjoy!

Candied Bacon- Recipe! Image 2

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